SESAP Questions =============== **Category 16, Items 11, 12 and 13** **11.** A patient sustains a facial injury. The computed tomographic (CT) scans are shown. They are diagnostic of a(n) 1. orbital “blow-out” fracture 2. malar complex fracture 3. Le Fort II fracture 4. naso-orbital-ethmoid (NOE) fracture 5. frontal sinus fracture **12.** Clinical findings associated with this injury include all of the following EXCEPT 1. subconjunctival hemorrhage 2. infraorbital nerve numbness 3. flattening of the cheek prominence 4. enophthalmos 5. lengthening of the face **13.** Which of the following findings is an indication for surgical treatment of this injury? 1. Periorbital ecchymosis 2. Crepitus in the buccal vestibule 3. Unilateral epistaxis 4. Impaired extraocular muscle function 5. Paresthesias of the cheek and hip For the 2 incomplete statements and 1 question above, select the answer that is best of the 5 given for each item. For the critique of Items 11, 12 and 13, see page 382. ![Figure1]( [Figure1]( ## Footnotes * (Reproduced by permission from *SESAP No. 10 1999–2001 Syllabus* Volume 2. For enrolment in the Surgical Education and Self-Assessment Program, please apply to the American College of Surgeons, 633 North St. Clair St., Chicago IL 60611, USA.)