PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sharma, Peeyush AU - Klaasen, Herman TI - Duodenal seromyectomy in the management of adherent colonic carcinoma in elderly patients DP - 1997 Aug 01 TA - Canadian Journal of Surgery PG - 289--293 VI - 40 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - CAN J SURG1997 Aug 01; 40 AB - Objective: To determine if partial denudation of the duodenum by seromyectomy can achieve tumour clearance in elderly patients with adherent primary colonic carcinoma.Design: A case series.Setting: An urban tertiary care centre.Patients: Seven elderly patients with Dukes’ class C primary adenocarcinoma of the ascending colon adherent to the duodenum but without distant metastases. The follow-up ranged from 29 to 41 months.Interventions: Right hemicolectomy and seromyectomy of the duodenum at the site of adhesion.Main outcome measures: Patient survival and tumour recurrence.Results: One patient died 29 months postoperatively of myocardial infarction but without tumour recurrence. Another patient had a solitary metastasis in the right liver lobe 7 months postoperatively. She was disease free 34 months after a right hemihepatectomy. The other 5 patients were alive and disease free at their last follow-up.Conclusion: Duodenal seromyectomy with postoperative chemotherapy for locally advanced adherent colonic cancer seems to be an acceptable management strategy for elderly patients in whom major en bloc resections present a greater than average risk of death.