RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Proposed specifications of a mobile operating room for far-forward surgery JF Canadian Journal of Surgery JO CAN J SURG FD Canadian Medical Association SP S180 OP S183 DO 10.1503/cjs.014718 VO 61 IS 6 Suppl 1 A1 Leasiolagi, John A1 Holton, Troy A1 Doyle, Kate A1 Parkinson, Laura A1 Kao, Raymond A1 McAlister, Vivian C. YR 2018 UL http://canjsurg.ca/content/61/6_Suppl_1/S180.abstract AB Provision of initial surgery to casualties within one hour of injury is associated with better survival. Where evacuation options are limited, surgery within the “golden hour” may have to occur close to the point of injury. Interventions close to the point of injury are limited by the adverse environment. Far-forward surgery has a long history going back to Dominique Larrey of the Napoleonic Army. We reviewed previous reports and used our own experience of far-forward surgery to describe the specifications of the ideal mobile operating room that would address some of these environmental barriers.