RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Amnesia in modern surgery: revisiting Wangensteen’s landmark studies of small bowel obstruction JF Canadian Journal of Surgery JO CAN J SURG FD Canadian Medical Association SP 83 OP 84 DO 10.1503/cjs.010814 VO 58 IS 2 A1 Faryniuk, Andrea A1 MacDonald, Allan A1 van Boxel, Paul YR 2015 UL http://canjsurg.ca/content/58/2/83.abstract AB Before the publications of Owen Wangensteen and his colleagues in the early 1930s, bowel obstruction was almost always fatal, and its treatment was ineffectual. Patients rarely survived surgical attempts to relieve the obstruction. Although other investigators were active in the field, the understanding of the pathophysiology of obstruction belongs almost entirely to Wangensteen. In this commentary, we review Wangensteen’s landmark studies of small bowel obstruction and how they shaped the treatment of this condition.