RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 After the war is over: the role of General Sir Arthur Currie in the development of academic medicine in Canada JF Canadian Journal of Surgery JO CAN J SURG FD Canadian Medical Association SP 367 OP 369 DO 10.1503/cjs.017118 VO 61 IS 6 A1 Hyatt, A.M. Jack A1 Beckett, Andrew A1 McAlister, Vivian C. YR 2018 UL http://canjsurg.ca/content/61/6/367.abstract AB Canadian universities faced a challenge with the return of a large cohort of battle-hardened students and faculty from the First World War. General Sir Arthur Currie, considered one of the few successful generals of the war, returned to a welcome of silence in Canada. McGill University exploited the opportunity to recruit him as its president. Currie oversaw a campaign of building construction and faculty development at McGill that also had a significant effect on the rest of Canada. Through his fostering of the Montreal Neurological Institute and the recruitment of Dr. Wilder Penfield, Currie facilitated the development of multidisciplinary medicine, which integrates clinical care with research — an aspiration still held by specialty medicine in Canada today.