RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The merits of cell salvage in arthroplasty surgery: an overview JF Canadian Journal of Surgery JO CAN J SURG FD Canadian Medical Association SP 61 OP 66 DO 10.1503/cjs.026612 VO 57 IS 1 A1 Dusik, Chris J. A1 Hutchison, Carol A1 Langelier, David YR 2014 UL http://canjsurg.ca/content/57/1/61.abstract AB Arthroplasty entails considerable exposure to allogenic blood transfusion. Cell salvage with washing is a contemporary strategy that is not universally used despite considerable potential benefits. We searched Embase and Medline to determine if blood salvage with washing during primary and/or revision hip and knee arthroplasty results in lower rates of transfusion and postoperative complications. We included 10 studies in our analysis, which we rated according to Downs and Black criteria. With primary knee arthroplasty, there was a reduction in transfusion rate from 22% to 76% and a 48% reduction in transfusion volume (n = 887). With primary hip arthroplasty, there was a reduction from 69% to 73% in transfusion rate and a 31% reduction in transfusion volume (n = 239). There was a significant decrease in length of hospital stay (9.6 v. 13.6 d). Studies of revision arthroplasty reported a 31%–59% reduction in transfusion volume (n = 241). The available evidence demonstrates reduced exposure to allogenic blood with the use of salvage systems. Studies have been underpowered to detect differences in infection rates and other postoperative complications. Future cost analysis is warranted.