PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Siddiqui, Muhammad R.S. AU - Kovzel, Maksym AU - Brennan, Steven J. AU - Priest, Oliver H. AU - Preston, Shaun R. AU - Soon, Y. TI - The role of the laparoendoscopic single site totally extraperitoneal approach to inguinal hernia repairs: a review and meta-analysis of the literature AID - 10.1503/cjs.010612 DP - 2014 Apr 01 TA - Canadian Journal of Surgery PG - 116--126 VI - 57 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - CAN J SURG2014 Apr 01; 57 AB - Background: Laparoendoscopic single site (LESS) surgery may have perceived benefits of reduced visible scarring compared to conventional laparoscopic (LAP) totally extraperitoneal (TEP) hernia repairs. We reviewed the literature to compare LESS TEP inguinal hernia repairs with LAP TEP repairs.Methods: We searched electronic databases for research published between January 2008 and January 2012.Results: A total of 13 studies reported on 325 patients. The duration of surgery was 40–98 minutes for unilateral hernia and 41–121 minutes for bilateral repairs. Three studies involving 287 patients compared LESS TEP (n = 128) with LAP TEP (n = 159). There were no significant differences in operative duration for unilateral hernias (p = 0.63) or bilateral repairs (p = 0.29), and there were no significant differences in hospital stay (p > 0.99), intraoperative complications (p = 0.82) or early recurrence rates (p = 0.82). There was a trend toward earlier return to activity in the LESS TEP group (p = 0.07).Conclusion: Laparoendoscopic single site surgery TEP hernia repair is a relatively new technique and appears to be safe and effective. Advantages, such as less visible scarring, mean patients may opt for LESS TEP over LAP TEP. Further studies with clear definitions of outcome measures and robust follow-up to assess patient satisfaction, return to normal daily activities and recurrence are needed to strengthen the evidence.