Table 2

Summary of key points of interest for this project

Challenge to resident successRecommendations for surgical leadership and trainees
Balancing professional and personal life
  1. Plan educational learning opportunities during working hours

  2. Incorporate seminars on time management into curriculum

  3. Enhance camaraderie by promoting personal health, family, collegiality and professionalism18

  4. Consult mentors early and often

Career counselling and business training
  1. Build professional seminars on recruitment and business preparation into curriculum

  2. Provide forums to discuss opening, running and maintaining a functioning office

Stress management
  1. Add stress management seminars into curriculum

  2. Speak candidly about work-life balance, anhedonia and depressive symptoms19

  3. Provide support to the working parent

  4. Ask for “time” when it is required

  5. Avoid keeping stress to oneself20

Evolution of the educational curriculum
  1. Develop educational retreats and resident research days

  2. Invite and embrace external reviews

  3. Reinvent curriculum to include PBL sessions, simulation, skills training and cadaveric modelling, while revisiting the frequency and content of journal clubs

  4. Provide professional and structured feedback

  5. Emphasize attendance by all residents at curricular events

Surgical training
  1. Add routine skills training, simulation, cadaveric models and PBL sessions into surgical curriculum

  2. Continue to improve and emphasize the importance of didactic teaching

  3. Place residents in positions to “do more” and “watch less”

  4. Encourage staff involvement to increase 1:1 observation/teaching

  1. Provide a positive learning environment21

  2. Increase 1:1 teaching and tailored education for residents perceived to be struggling

  3. Provide an open door policy to discuss abuse, harassment22 and intimidation

  • PBL = problem-based learning.