Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients presenting with a femoral hernia (n = 72)

CharacteristicNo. (%)*
Age, mean (range) yr65 (32–78)
Sex, no. male:female13:59
 Primary73 (101.4)
 Bilateral1 (1.4)
 Irreducible65 (89.0)
 Reducible8 (11.0)
Duration of surgery, min13.1 (10–19)
Diameter of hernia ring, cm1.3 (0.5–2.5)
Hospital stay
 < 24 h67 (93.0)
 24 h4 (5.6)
 > 24 h1 (1.4)
 Wound infection0
 Cord edema0
Postoperative pain, mean (range) VAS score
 Day 018.9 (9–65)
 Day 312.7 (5–60)
 Day 76.3 (0–40)
  • * Unless otherwise indicated.