Table 1

WOMAC of PROSTALAC in situ compared with pre- and post-THR

WOMAC DimensionPROSTALAC cohort (n = 23), mean (SD)Pre-THR population (n = 228), mean (SD) (9)p value*6 mo post-primary THR population (n = 228), mean (SD) (9)p value*
Pain70.0 (21.1)42.9 (15.9)< 0.00184.6 (18.0)0.0003
Stiffness63.0 (19.6)39.1 (20.1)< 0.00173.1 (18.5)0.01
Function65.8 (20.4)38.5 (15.1)< 0.00176.0 (20.1)0.02
  • THR = total hip replacement, SD = standard deviation

  • * Two-tailed independent t test comparing our sample with the reference population at the indicated time interval.