Table 1

Incidence and associations of papillary thyroid carcinoma bilaterality with patient and cancer characteristics and with MACIS score

CharacteristicGroup; no. (%)p value
 Female55 (67.1)90 (74.4)
 Male27 (32.9)31 (25.6)
Age, yr0.36
 < 4531 (37.8)59 (48.8)
 ≥ 4551 (62.2)62 (51.2)
Extrathyroidal extension0.78
 No49 (61.2)78 (65.0)
 Yes31 (38.8)42 (35.0)
Size, cm< 0.001
 ≤ 122 (26.8)0
 > 160 (73.1)121 (100)
Vascular extension0.001
 No66 (80.5)119 (98.3)
 Yes16 (19.5)2 (1.7)
Multifocal disease< 0.001
 No0118 (97.5)
 Yes82 (100)3 (2.5)
Lymph node metastases0.36
 No46 (56.8)82 (67.8)
 Yes35 (43.2)39 (32.2)
Distant metastases0.52
 No77 (96.3)120 (99.2)
 Yes3 (3.8)1 (0.8)
MACIS score0.78
 < 665 (82.3)92 (76.7)
 6–6.997 (8.9)17 (14.2)
 7–7.994 (5.1)6 (5.0)
 > 83 (3.8)5 (4.2)
MACIS score> 0.99
 < 772 (91.1)109 (90.8)