Table 2

Ordinal regression of factors associated with increased likelihood of physicians using an IO device in an adult trauma patient with no IV access

VariableOR (95% CI)p value
ATLS 8th edition0.85 (0.47–1.53)0.60
ATLS 9th edition0.66 (0.38–1.11)0.12
PALS2.07 (1.32–3.26)0.001
Previous IO device training4.02 (1.06–15.34)0.040
Experience with IO devices for vascular access purposes1.80 (1.09–2.99)0.020
Access to an IO device2.50 (0.61–10.26)0.20
  • ATLS = Advanced Trauma Life Support; CI = confidence interval; IO = Intraosseous; OR = odds ratio; PALS = Pediatric Advanced Life Support.