Table 4

Impact of surgical modality on EORTC scores*

CharacteristicGroup, mean ± SDp value
Open surgery (n = 8)Laparoscopic surgery (n = 12)Robotic surgery (n = 10)
 Physical83.3 ± 12.894.9 ± 8.294.3 ± 6.70.039
 Role71.0 ± 21.498.6 ± 4.971.8 ± 29.40.002
 Emotional84.5 ± 15.079.7 ± 23.582.5 ± 20.20.991
 Cognitive95.9 ± 11.793.1 ± 13.180.0 ± 21.90.091
 Social79.4 ± 17.193.1 ± 13.173.4 ± 22.50.042
Symptom scores
 Gastrointestinal20.8 ± 13.423.6 ± 4.825.8 ± 4.70.105
 Defecation15.4 ± 14.38.7 ± 10.118.3 ± 11.00.112
 Sexual§56.3 ± 23.532.0 ± 27.150.1 ± 31.40.083
 Urinary3.5 ± 5.07.8 ± 10.715.0 ± 10.80.061
 Psychological**45.8 ± 19.545.9 ± 14.550.1 ± 15.70.793
 Pain††14.6 ± 28.89.7 ± 19.525 ± 27.50.263
 Body image41.5 ± 13.492 ± 12.589.1 ± 16.3< 0.001
 Global QOL65.6 ± 15.181.1 ± 12.374.9 ± 14.60.065
 Fatigue31.6 ± 3.915.1 ± 21.818.8 ± 16.40.155
  • EORTC = European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; QOL = quality of life; SD = standard deviation.

  • * Higher scores signify better function and increasing severity of symptoms.

  • Aggregate of nausea/vomiting, bloating, weight loss, appetite scores.

  • Aggregate of gas incontinence, fecal incontinence, constipation, diarrhea, stool frequency, blood/mucus in stool, sore skin scores.

  • § Aggregate of impotence, dyspareunia, sexual interest scores.

  • Aggregate of urinary frequency, dysuria, urinary incontinence scores.

  • ** Aggregate of embarrassment, anxiety scores.

  • †† Aggregate of buttock pain, abdominal pain scores.