Table 2

Estimated travel cost savings with telehealth

Potential expenseCost estimate, $*
Distance > 600 km (n = 29)
Round-trip airfare300/person
Accommodation in Vancouver (1 night)225
Per diem expenses50/person
Total for 2 travellers925
Distance600 km (n = 51)
Day trip (distance ≤ 300 km) (n = 6)
 Average fuel cost in Vancouver1.16/L
 Average fuel efficiency11 L/100 km
 Per diem expenses50/person
 Total for 2 travellers149
Overnight trip (distance > 300 km) (n = 45)
 Average fuel cost in Vancouver1.16/L
 Average fuel efficiency11 L/100 km
 Accommodation in Vancouver (1 night)225
 Per diem expenses50/person
 Total for 2 travellers424
  • * Except where noted otherwise.

  • The average trip length for those 600 km or less away was 388 km; therefore, the average round-trip cost of fuel for patients who might drive would be about $99.