Table 3

Rates of endoscopy- and sedation-related complications, and time to recovery

StudyRate, %Time to recovery, mean ± SD; min
Cardiopulmonary eventGastric perforationBleedingDeathPatient reported no pain during procedureCecal intubationPolyp detection
de Paulo et al., (24) 2016
Vargo et al., (25) 2006 (lower)
Vargo et al., (25) 2006 (upper)0.001
Nathan et al., (27) 2015
Poincloux et al., (28) 2011
Ferreira et al., (26) 2016
 NAAP94.728.458.0 ± 33.0
 AAP96.123.267.0 ± 29.0
  • AAP = anesthesiologist-administered propofol; NAAP = non–anesthesiologist-administered propofol; SD = standard deviation.

  • * p < 0.001.

  • p < 0.05.