Table 1

Clinical decision-making using biliary PoCUS

ScenarioDecision; no. (%)
Yes, definitelyLikely yesMaybeLikely noNo, definitely not
A patient presents with a history consistent with unremitting biliary colic and normal blood work. Is the finding of gallstones on PoCUS enough for you to
Admit overnight for unremitting biliary colic14 (10.9)43 (33.3)37 (28.7)23 (17.8)12 (9.3)
Diagnose biliary colic14 (10.9)32 (24.8)47 (36.4)26 (20.2)10 (7.8)
Operate for biliary colic6 (4.7)9 (7.0)15 (11.7)31 (24.2)67 (52.3)
A patient presents with elevated white count, RUQ pain and normal bilirubin. Are the findings of sonographic Murphy sign and gallstones on PoCUS enough for you to
Admit overnight for cholecystitis31 (24.0)44 (34.1)32 (24.8)14 (10.9)8 (6.2)
Diagnose cholecystitis15 (11.6)32 (24.8)40 (31.0)28 (21.7)15 (11.6)
Operate for cholecystitis7 (5.4)9 (7.0)17 (13.3)37 (28.9)58 (45.3)
  • PoCUS = point of care ultrasound; RUQ = right upper quadrant.