Table 3

Summary of simultaneous regression predicting greater mobilization*

VariableBSEp valueβ95% CI
Age–0.0240.0100.016–0.212–0.043 to –0.005
Sex–0.2530.1170.032–0.121–0.484 to –0.023
BMI–0.0190.0090.030–0.136–0.036 to –0.002
CCI score0.0380.0630.540.053–0.085 to 0.162
ASA score0.0570.0940.550.037–0.129 to 0.243
Anesthesia0.3250.1420.0220.1330.046 to 0.604
Pain/stiffness–0.1270.1300.33–0.056–0.383 to 0.130
Nausea–0.5110.135< 0.001–0.215–0.777 to –0.244
Numbness–0.4500.1310.001–0.195–0.709 to –0.191
Lightheadedness–0.3150.1400.025–0.124–0.592 to –0.039
Drowsiness–0.8550.211< 0.001–0.234–1.270 to –0.441
p value< 0.001
  • ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification; BMI = body mass index; CCI = Charlson Comorbidity Index; CI = confidence interval; SE = standard error.

  • * The analysis was based on data for the 283 patients in the final sample. Sex was coded as 0 = male, 1 = female. Anesthesia was coded as 0 = general, 1 = spinal. Patient-reported symptoms were coded as 0 = no, 1 = yes.