Table 1

Summary of results in 28 patients who underwent a laparoscopic reversal of a Hartmann procedure

FactorAll patients (1991–2008), n = 28
Female sex, no. (%)15 (53.6)
Age, mean (SD) yr61.11 (15.3)
Weight, mean (SD) kg72.3 (20.1)
Diagnoses, no. (%)
 Diverticulitis19 (67.9)
 Cancer6 (21.4)
 Other3 (10.7)
Operating room time, mean (IQR) min166.18 (74.41)
Intraoperative events, no. (%)
 Intraoperative complications1 (3.6)
Postoperative events, no. (%)
 Postoperative surgical complications3(10.7)
 Postoperative medical complications0
Days to diet as tolerated, median (IQR)4 (3–4)
Days to discharge, median (IQR)5 (3.5–6)
  • IQR = interquartile range; SD = standard deviation.