Table 3

Operative Procedures Performed on 61 Patients with Thymoma

Operative procedurePatients, no. (and %)
Biopsy of mass10 (16)
Thymectomy alone24 (37)
 + pleurectomy7 (11)
 + pericardectomy5 (8)
 + pleurectomy, pericardiectomy and wedge resection of lung4 (6)
 + pleurectomy and pericardiectomy3 (4)
 + pericardiectomy and wedge resection of lung3 (4)
 + wedge resection of lung2 (3)
 + pleurectomy and wedge resection of lung1 (2)
 + pericardiectomy and resection of inominate vein segment1 (2)
 + pleurectomy and resection of innominate vein segment1 (2)