Table 3

Inter-rater and Test-Retest Reliability of the Hip and Knee Replacement Priority Criteria

CriteriaReliability, ICC for all raters (and orthopedic surgeons)*
Inter-rater (June 2000), n = 19 (14)Inter-rater (Dec. 2000), n = 14 (8)Test-retest,n = 11 (6)Inter-rater (Jan. 2001), n = 11 (0)
1.Pain on motion0.63 (0.65)0.51 (0.65)0.60 (0.71)0.70
2.Pain at rest0.83 (0.83)0.81 (0.78)0.86 (0.82)0.81
3.Ability to walk without significant pain§0.74 (0.72)0.87 (0.84)N/C0.71
4.Other functional limitations0.71 (0.69)0.68 (0.76)0.74 (0.71)0.68
5.Abnormal findings on physical examination related to affected joint§0.75 (0.73)0.69 (0.74)0.82 (0.80)0.78
6.Potential for progression of disease documented by radiographic findings§0.38 (0.47)0.25 (0.26)0.70 (0.64)0.56
7.Threat to patient role and independence in society§0.63 (0.61)0.70 (0.74)0.82 (0.79)0.75
8.VAS urgency0.82 (0.85)0.72 (0.73)0.90 (0.92)0.70
  • * Unless indicated otherwise.

  • Test-retest interval was 5–6 mo (June–December 2000). N/C = not computed since response categories were different in June and December.

  • General practitioners

  • § Items were worded slightly differently in the June and December versions.

  • For the test-retest analysis, responses for the June version were coded into 3 levels.

  • VAS = visual analogue scale.