Table 3

Total and subgroup costs at 6 months after discharge

Covariate*AR (95% CI)p valueBIC
Health care services; generalized linear model (γ distribution)−487
 Age (per 1-yr increase)0.97 (0.93–1.01)0.18
 Clinical Frailty Scale score (per 1-pt increase)1.89 (1.52–2.35)< 0.001
 Married0.58 (0.28–1.18)0.13
Medical products; generalized linear model (Gaussian distribution)110
 Age (per 1-yr increase)1.09 (1.04–1.15)0.001
 Clinical Frailty Scale score (per 1-pt increase)1.61 (1.15–2.25)0.006
 Length of stay (per 1-d increase)1.06 (1.02–1.11)0.003
 Married0.35 (0.15–0.83)0.018
 Ostomy5.36 (1.47–19.44)0.002
Lost productive hours; zero-inflated model (chance patient is certain zero?)1
 Age (per 1-yr increase)1.11 (1.03–1.19)0.004
 Charlson Comorbidity Index (per 1-pt increase)0.79 (0.50–1.23)0.30
 Clinical Frailty Scale score (per 1-pt increase)2.13 (1.38–3.30)0.001
Nested negative binomial regression (cost if working before admission)
 Age (per 1-yr increase)0.95 (0.88–1.02)0.12
 Clinical Frailty Scale score (per 1-pt increase)0.39 (0.21–0.71)0.002
 High-acuity bed postoperatively2.13 (0.996–4.54)0.05
 Sex, male2.28 (1.05–4.99)0.042
Overall cost; generalized linear model (Gaussian distribution)−198
 Age (per 1-yr increase)0.96 (0.92–0.999)0.047
 ASA classification (per 1-pt increase)0.59 (0.34–1.03)0.06
 Charlson Comorbidity Index (per 1-pt increase)1.29 (0.93–1.79)0.12
 Clinical Frailty Scale score (per 1-pt increase)1.06 (0.80–1.40)0.69
 High-acuity bed postoperatively1.71 (0.97–4.08)0.06
  • AR = adjusted ratio; ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists; BIC = Bayesian information criterion; CI = confidence interval.

  • * Age and location were forced into each model.

  • Lower BIC values indicate better model fit.