Table 3

Mean process interval outcomes for operative management of small bowel obstruction

Process interval measuredNo.*Time, min; mean ± SD
Time from arrival in ED to triage3310 ± 14
Time from triage to emergency physician consult3374 ± 76
Time from emergency physician consult to general surgery consult initiation31203 ± 102
Time from emergency physician consult to CT request30121 ± 153
Time to CT request to acquisition30142 ± 58
Time from general surgery consult initiation to completion30114 ± 167
Time from consult to admission to general surgery service30165 ± 220
Time from admission to general surgery service to ward24232 ± 170
Time from OR booking to arrival to the OR33442 ± 400
Time from OR to ward postoperatively30445 ± 266
Overall length of stay33455 ± 884
  • CT = computed tomography; ED = emergency department; OR = operating room; SD = standard deviation.

  • * Denominator varies slightly owing to missing data.

  • Reported in hours rather than minutes.