Table 2

The reported range in adverse effects associated with tracheostomy from randomized trials comparing percutaneous and open surgical techniques4

ComplicationIncidence, %
Intraprocedural (occurring during or immediately after insertion)
 Multiple attempts0–40–4
 Paratracheal insertion0–40–10
 Posterior tracheal wall laceration0–13NA
Early postprocedural (occurring before maturation of stomal tract, i.e., < 7 d)
 Pneumothorax< 10–4
 Subcutaneous emphysema0–50–11
 Airway fire< 1< 1
 Accidental decannulation0–50–15
 Stoma infection0–100–63
 Loss of airway0–80–4
Late postprocedural (> 7 d)
 Tracheal stenosis7–2711–63
 Tracheoesophageal fistula< 1< 1
 Tracheoarterial fistula< 1< 1
 Delayed stoma closure0–3910–54
 Unesthetic scar/cosmetic deformity0–205–40
 Vocal cord paralysis< 10–2
 Airway symptoms*0–415–46
  • NA = not applicable; OST = open surgical tracheostomy; PDT = percutaneous dilational tracheostomy.

  • * Including hoarseness, stridor, cough, dyspnea or subjective phonetic or respiratory problems.