Table 2

Levels of plasma-soluble CD14 in rats after the induction of pancreatitis

Group, n = 15Time; CD14 level, μg/mL
3 h6 h10 h
Group 1: Control2.4 (1.3)2.6 (1.5)2.7 (1.7)
Group 2: Sham surgery2.6 (1.5)3.4 (1.1)3.2 (1.8)
Group 3: ANP with no treatment5.4 (1.3)6.4 (1.2)8.1 (1.9)
Group 4: ANP with HBO2.9 (1.1)*4.1 (1.8)*6.9 (1.7)
Group 5: ANP with ulinastatin3.5 (1.6)*3.9 (2.3)*6.4 (2.5)
Group 6: ANP with HBO and ulinastatin2.6 (1.8)*3.1 (0.9)*4.6 (2.1)*
  • ANP = acute necrotizing pancreatitis; HBO = hyperbaric oxygen.

  • * Significantly different from group 3 (p < 0.05).

  • Significantly different from groups 4 and 5 (p < 0.05).