Table 1

Demographics and Surgical Characteristics of 55 Patients Who Underwent Total Hip Arthroplasty With or Without Epsilon-Aminocaproic Acid (EACA)

EACA (n = 26)Placebo (n = 29)p value
 Mean (and SD) age, yr69 (11)69 (10)0.28
 Gender, male:female10:1611:180.99
 Diagnosis, no. (and %) of patients0.22
  Primary osteoarthritis24 (92)29 (100)
  Secondary osteoarthritis1 (4)0
  Rheumatoid arthritis1 (4)0
 Mean (and SD) body mass index, kg/m227.6 (5.7)30.1 (5.1)0.12
 NSAID use, no. (and %) of patients21 (81)15 (52)0.02
Surgical characteristics
 Implant fixation, no. (and %) of patients0.53
  Hybrid11 (42)11 (38)
  Cementless15 (58)18 (62)
 Mean (and SD) operation time, min77 (17)80 (20)0.17
 Type of anesthetic, no. (and %) of patients0.83
  Spinal15 (58)13 (45)
  General10 (38)14 (48)
  Both (general and spinal)1 (4)2 (7)
  • NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.