Table 1

Factors related to employment status*

FactorPatients workingPatients not workingp value
No. patients (%)48/60 (80)12/60 (20)
Mean age, yr48.6756.70.002
Sex, male:female26:223:90.11
Education, median levelTechnical/trade school gradSome technical/trade school0.32
Social support*79710.25
Smokers, no (%)9/48 (18.75)3/12 (25)0.69
Risk of alcohol abuse, low:med:high40:8:011:0:00.33
No. of dependants, 0:1 or more15:3310:20.002
Median income
 Household$70 000$17 5000.004
 Personal$55 000$32 500 (before stopping work)0.022
Collecting disability, %475< 0.001
Self employed, no:yes37:117:10.67
Job tenure, < 1:1–5:> 5 yr2:8:370:3:50.37
Physical function*298< 0.001
Oxford-12 hip score*4020< 0.001
Functional limitation from medical conditions, none:some:severe34:12:15:4:30.011
Median no. of other painful and limiting joints36.50.12
Job motivation*56350.008
Job satisfaction*21350.13
Weekly hours
Workplace physical demands*53560.69
Workplace flexibility*38350.75
Ability to meet workplace physical demands*6637< 0.001
  • * Scales standardized from worst to best: 0–100.