Table I

Contraindications to Streptokinase Administration (The Wellesley Hospital Protocol, Department of Pharmacy, 1994)

 Active internal bleeding
 History of stroke within 2 mo
 Bleeding diathesis
 Surgical procedure within 10 d
 Intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation or aneurysm
 Severe uncontrolled hypertension (> 200 mm Hg systolic or > 110 mm Hg diastolic)
 Recent traumatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 Significant gastrointestinal bleeding or active peptic ulcer within 10 d
 Evidence of transient ischemic attacks
 High likelihood of left heart thrombus
 Genitourinary bleeding within 10 d
 Acute pericarditis
 Subacute bacterial endocarditis
 Hemostatic defects including those secondary to severe hepatic or renal disease
 Significant liver dysfunction
 Pregnancy or less than 28 days post-partum
 Diabetic hemorrhagic retinopathy or other hemorrhagic ophthalmic conditions
 Septic thrombophlebitis or occluded arteriovenous cannula at seriously infected site
 Streptokinase therapy in the previous 6 mo
 Confirmed streptococcal infection