Table 2

Patient-reported outcomes and exercise measures at baseline

MeasureItem or (sub)scaleNo. of patientsExercise practice, no. (%) of patientsScore
Not allowedRarely or never1 or 2 times a week3 or more times a weekMean ± SDMinMax
ExerciseMuscle-strength training*16825 (15)81 (48)25 (15)37 (22)
Aerobic exercise*16822 (13)97 (58)24 (14)25 (15)
Yoga or Pilates*16824 (14)129 (77)8 (5)7 (4)
Exercise scale (based on first 3 items above)1643.65 ± 2.0509
Patient-reported outcomeRand-36 physical component score16429.95 ± 6.811446
Rand-36 mental component score16440.30 ± 10.591561
PROMIS Pain Interference score16434.82 ± 7.372259
Oswestry Disability Index score16855.90 ± 16.0112100
Numeric Rating Scale score16816.18 ± 8.76038
  • Max = maximum; min = minimum; PROMIS = Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System; Rand-36 = Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Survey; SD = standard deviation.

  • * A nonresponse was counted as the absence of the type of exercise listed.

  • Rescaled so that higher scores reflect better functioning.

  • These raw scores are shown here; the statistical models used standardized scores (mean 50, standard deviation 10) to facilitate comparisons.