Table 4

Decisional support and resources

ItemNo. (%) of participants*
Gathered information8 (80)
 From health care providers5 (50)
 From independent research4 (40)
Information content
 Chances of benefits and risks7 (70)
 Options6 (60)
 How others go about deciding5 (50)
 Valuation/personal importance of benefits and risks4 (40)
Beneficial resources
Information materials8 (80)
 Health condition8 (80)
 Surgical options8 (80)
 Surgical benefits and risks8 (80)
 Probabilities of benefits and risks8 (80)
 Valuation/personal importance of benefits and risks4 (40)
 Guidance in deliberation3 (30)
Counselling from health care practitioner7 (70)
Discussion groups of people facing same decision5 (50)
Booklet/pamphlet8 (80)
Internet4 (40)
Video3 (30)
  • * Participants could choose more than 1 response.