Table 2

Effect of socioeconomic status on urgency of inguinal hernia repair in patients in Vancouver, BC, 2012–2016

Socioeconomic status (quantiles of VANDIX score)No. (%) of patients undergoing elective surgical repair
n = 294
No. (%) of patients who received emergent surgical repair
n = 98
Odds ratio* (95% CI)p value
Q1 = −2.96 to −0.49 (least deprived)96 (40.0)27 (33.8)1.30 (0.93 to 1.82)0.122
Q2 = −0.49 to −0.2244 (18.3)17 (21.3)
Q3 = −0.22 to 0.0647 (19.6)13 (16.3)
Q4 = 0.06 to 0.4231 (12.9)12 (15.0)
Q5 = 0.42 to 4.43 (most deprived)22 (9.2)11 (13.8)
  • CI = confidence interval; VANDIX = Vancouver Area Neighbourhood Deprivation Index.

  • * Post hoc repeated 10-fold cross-validation found an overall accuracy of 75.0%, but a Cohen κ of 1.0%, suggesting that the VANDIX score has almost no additional predictive accuracy than what would be expected from chance alone.

  • The odds ratio represents the change associated with each unit increase in the VANDIX score.