Table 3

Indications for reoperation after hemiarthroplasty*

DiagnosisReoperation 1, no. (%)Reoperation 2–7, no. (%)
Periprosthetic femur fracture49 (32)8 (11)
Dislocation45 (29)51 (68)
Acetabular wear28 (18)0 (0)
Infection26 (17)23 (31)
Aseptic loosening5 (3)1 (1)
Acetabular fracture5 (3)2 (3)
Other6 (4)§3(4)
Total reoperations155 (100)75 (100)
  • * n = 155 hips in 154 patients. Reoperation defined as open or closed treatment for a complication of hemiarthroplasty.

  • Total diagnoses > 155 reoperations (100%) because there were 164 diagnoses in 155 first reoperations (155 hips). There were 9 hips that had reoperation for 2 diagnoses: periprosthetic femur fracture with dislocation (2 hips), acetabular wear (2 hips) or infection (2 hips), dislocation with infection (2 hips), and infection with acetabular fracture (1 hip).

  • Total diagnoses > 75 reoperations (100%) because there were 88 diagnoses in 75 second to seventh reoperations. There were 13 hips that had reoperation for 2 diagnoses: dislocation with periprosthetic femur fracture (5 hips), infection (4 hips), acetabular fracture (1 hip), or acetabular defect (1 hip), periprosthetic femur fracture and infection (1 hip), and aseptic loosening and acetabular fracture (1 hip).

  • § Stem subsidence (3 hips), implant instability with femoral stem rotated 90° on the immediate postoperative radiograph (1 hip), wrong taper sleeve used (mismatch between C-Taper of the stem and V40 taper of the sleeve inserted with the head (13)) (1 hip), and severe stiffness with heterotopic ossification (1 hip).

  • Wound dehiscence (2 hips), and acetabular defect (1 hip).