Table 2

Assessment of quality of included studies with the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale8

StudyComponent; score
SelectionComparability of cohorts on basis of design or analysisExposureStudy quality
Representativeness of exposed cohortSelection of nonexposed cohortAscertainment of exposureDemonstration that outcome of interest not present at start of studyAssessment of outcomeEnough follow-up time length for outcome to occurAdequacy of follow-up of cohortsTotal scoreInterpretation
Ke et al.,11111121119Good
Hallac et al.,5111121119Good
Hirono et al.,12111121119Good
Kusakabe et al.,13111121119Good
Riediger et al.,14111121108Good
Mackay et al.,15111121108Good
Nordback et al.,16111121119Good
Falconi et al.,17111121108Good
Rault et al.,18111121108Good
Nakamura et al.,4111121007Good
Neophytou et al.,19111121119Good
Okano et al.,20111121119Good
Maignan et al.,21111121119Good
Kachare et al.,22111121119Good
Lim et al.,23111121119Good
Miyamoto et al.,24111121119Good
Sikkens et al.,3111111118Good
Belyaev et al.,25111121119Good
SelectionComparability of subjects in different outcome groups on basis of design or analysisExposureStudy quality
Representativeness of sampleSample sizeNon-respondentsAscertainment of exposureAssessment of outcomeStatistical testTotal scoreInterpretation
Yuasa et al.,211121208Good
Jang et al.,2611121219Very good