Table 4

Qualitative analysis themes

The Delta Oasis program was a positive experience“I found it was just a really nice thing that I could wake up in the morning and I was in a place that was calm and nice and, you know it was just lovely.” (P1)
“It was just nice to be there in, in just a few minutes and then you could just relax, and it was just quiet, and it was just time for me and my husband to, to wrap our heads around what was happening, and you know, so that was, that was really good. I really, really appreciated that.” (P3)
“I would recommend the Delta, to any of my friends. Because I actually told them that they should, you know with this program we should, um, you know, look, look after them like they’ve looked after us. And then if I was to travel again, I would make an appointment, um, at the Delta.” (P7)
Reassuring to have family with you“And I think having [spouse] … with me the whole time was another thing. That he’s, he’s the calming factor. He is my best friend and he’s just he’s so good to me. You know, and he was with me the whole time he was, I saw him, he went with me when they took me down on the trolley and he was sitting by the bed when I woke up. And you know, and he keeps me calm.” (P1)
“So, but my friend [friend’s name] and I, we had a good time and lots of chuckles. And, you know. Yeah, it, it was, it was an experience I, I was really pleased with it.” (P15)
Not having to drive home after surgery reduced stress“It was really nice because again, the, the fact that I was scheduled to be there, at, God knows whatever time in the morning, and then I didn’t actually end up having the surgery until probably like 4 o’clock, you know, I guess it was. Um, the thought of driving home would have just been too much.” (P17)
“We were just, I didn’t, and if I’d if had to drive home I would have been str-, cause I don’t like driving in the winter, so I would have been really stressed driving home, and my husband was, you know. So, and I don’t have friends, I don’t have, I don’t know anybody in Saint John so, I would’ve had to come home. Yeah.” (P5)
Reassuring to be close to the hospital“I just can’t think of, explain the degree of kind of, reassurance and, kind of safety thing that you feel when you’re in the proximity of, that being so close to the, to the, to the hospital centre and to doctor [oncologist] and to the oncology department.” (P16)
“That it was really, um, calming to me and reassuring to me that I didn’t have to get the, other than that, I would have rather stayed in the hospital cause I, I was worried that you know, what if something didn’t go right.” (P16)
“Actually it was better than going home because, you knew that, you knew you were only a phone call away and, that if, if anything happened that the nurse would be right there or, or whatever you know so… it took a lot off your mind, you didn’t have to worry about, anything really just getting better.” (P6)
Reassuring to have follow-up care from extramural nurse before going home“Well, it was nice that the nurse was able to come and check my incision and make sure everything was okay, sent me home. And you know, and said, ‘You’re fine to go home.’ So that was a nice relief to have that, that nice check-up the next day. Whereas at home, it would have been like an extramural [nurse] coming into your home and, and everything. It just seemed, it just seemed um, a little bit less invasive to have it done there than to have it done in your home for whatever reason.” (P3)
Staying at the Delta had a positive effect on surgery and recovery experiences“[The program] relieved my stress. Really, because you know, I just, I just couldn’t get over when they said, ‘Oh, you’ll have your operation and, go home the same day,’ and, you know, I thought, ‘Well, geez, that seems like quite a big surgery,’ … that, that’s a shock to me, it really was. And then they said no, but we do have this, this arrangement with the Delta that, you know, you can go through. And that was very helpful.” (P14)
“Oh, definitely too, [program affected recovery] because I mean, like I said, I didn’t have to jump right out of surgery into a car for an hour drive, and I was able to just go and lay in the bed and, you know, get the rest that I needed before I had to travel home. So, I think that made a huge difference.” (P9)
Improvements that could be made to the Delta Oasis program“Um, I um, I like I said you couldn’t ask for nothing better, there’s no way you can improve. I’m sorry, [laughs] but between the staff and everything, like I said, there’s no way you can improve on it.” (P4)
“Well, I would say that, that, um, there’s probably a lot of people that could benefit from it, like the very thing that you know they don’t have to make that long drive home, you know so, so anybody living in, remote areas you know, like um, if they have to, if they have to drive an hour, um, [the program] would be beneficial.” (P12)