Littoral cell angioma: a case report and review

RL Harmon, CA Cerruto, A Scheckner - Current surgery, 2006 - Elsevier
Littoral cell angioma (LCA) is a benign tumor of the spleen that was first described by Falk et
al in 1991 1 when they illustrated 17 cases of “a novel type of vascular tumor.” In 1998 …

[HTML][HTML] Incidental littoral cell angioma of the spleen

M Tee, P Vos, P Zetler, SM Wiseman - World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2008 - Springer
Background Littoral cell angioma (LCA) is a recently described primary vascular neoplasm
of the spleen that may be associated with other malignancies and may itself also have …

[HTML][HTML] Littoral cell angiomas of the spleen associated with solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas

T Bhavsar, C Wang, Y Huang… - World Journal of …, 2011 -
Littoral cell angiomas (LCA) of the spleen are vascular tumors of unknown etiology arising
from the littoral cells of the splenic red pulp sinuses. Usually a benign and incidental finding …

脾脏窦岸细胞血管瘤的 MRI 表现及与病理对照分析

丁莺, 曾蒙苏, 饶圣祥, 陈财忠 - 放射学实践, 2012 -
目的: 探讨脾脏窦岸细胞血管瘤的MRI 表现和病理学特点. 方法: 经手术病理证实的脾脏窦岸细胞
血管瘤患者5 例, 回顾性分析其MRI 表现及病理学表现. 结果: 5 例中2 例为单发, 3 例为多发 …


武林枫, 刘连新, 赵金鹏, 高峰, 戚基萍, 王吾如… - 中华肝胆外科 …, 2005 -
1. 临床资料: 病人, 女, 34 岁, 左上腹部闷胀不适1 周入院. 入院查体, 一般状况可, 生命体征平稳,
心率73 次/min, 血压121/74 mmHg, 全身浅表淋巴结未触及肿大, 心肺未见异常. 肝脏未触及 …


盛勤松, 陈大志 - 中华肝胆外科杂志, 2009 -
脾窦岸细胞血管瘤的研究进展-[维普官方网站]维普网  我的维普 购物车 充值
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陈琴, 邵黎明 - 中华普通外科杂志, 2009 -
脾脏窦岸细胞血管瘤的临床与病理分析-[维普官方网站]维普网  我的维普 购物车
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Caz clinic rar întâlnit: Angiosarcom al splinei

L Mednicov, N Burian, M Gherasim… - Buletinul Academiei de …, 2015 -
Marea majoritate a tumorilor vasculare splenice sunt tumori benigne de tipul
hemangioamelor, hemangiomatozei sinusoidale difuze, hamartoamelor și limfangioamelor …

脾窦岸细胞血管瘤 1 例报告

吴良华, 丁芳, 李慧, 祝彪, 张晋琳 - 实用医院临床杂志, 2011 -
患者, 女性, 64 岁. 因" 反复头昏, 心累乏力3 年余, 发现腹部肿物6 月" 于2010 年9 月3
日收入四川省人民医院血液科. 患者半年前睡觉时发现腹部包块, 就诊当地医院行B …

[HTML][HTML] O tumorã splenicã neobisnuitã. Angiomul cu celule litorale

A Dema - Chirurgia, 2007 -
Neoplasmele vasculare reprezintã o proportie importantã a tumorilor splenice primare. Intre
acestea, angiomul cu celule litorale (littoral cell angioma-LCA) se individualizeazã ca o …